My Birth Story

Becoming a mother has been the highlight of my life. Every day I think about life before Logan and how much things have changed. September 3rd 2021 changed my life and I will never forget it.

My due date was September 2nd and that morning I went into labour. I woke up and could feel something was not right. I was having strong cramps. I began to count them to see how frequent they were, and what did I know, they were in fact contractions.

I wanted Ryan to stay home from work but he wanted to be sure I was goinginto labor and it wasn’t just Braxton hicks. He left for nine and not even two hours later I was calling him.

My water had broke around 10:30 AM. I called the hospital and was advised not to come in till 4:30 that evening as there’s not much they can do until you began to dilate more.

As my contractions grew stronger my water leaking eventually changed colour. I called back the hospital and was told to now come in right away, so we left to begin this new chapter in life.

After my water broke. Last belly photo.

I needed to be monitored for meconium as the baby was full term he pooped in me! Meconium can clog his lungs so a lung specialist was required to be there for delivery. If baby cried instantly, no problem, but if not the specialist was than needed.

Ryan and I got settled into the labour and delivery room which was very large and comfortable. I was hesitant about the epidural from the start of my pregnancy. It sounded painful, and the risks were horrifying. I didn’t want to have continuous back pain like I’ve heard happens to a lot of people. But my contractions were so painful. An amazing nurse and I discussed the epidural over again and Jacquie, I will never forget you. I got the epidural and it was the best decision. I felt nothing afterwards. I was 6cm dilated when I got the epidural and had 4 more to go.

Ryan instantly knew I was feeling better, we relaxed, ate that good hospital ice, watched Youtube and finally decided to get some rest at 11:30. Just after getting cozy the nurses came in to check me. I was 10cm and it was time to push.

I started pushing at 12:05 and as Ryan explains it he saw a lot of hair coming out of me as I was pushing him out I needed an eptisomy which at that point I was totally Ok with I just wanted everything to be over with although I couldn’t feel a thing. I had a small cut and did a final push and he was out. Baby cried instantly and was delivered safely.

Welcome to the world Logan Edward Bowler.


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